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Assessing the Implementation of Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents Waivers

MSG supported the Food and Nutrition Service’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to build and analyze a database of States’ requests for waivers to the time limits in which participants who are able bodied and without dependents (ABAWD) can receive SNAP benefits in U.S. counties and reservations. MSG also examined the demographic and geographic features of these areas to identify any potential equity impacts and/or disparities that may exist regarding States’ requests for time limit ABAWD waivers. 

Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood (HMRF) Grantee Support and Advancement Project

A multifaceted training and technical assistance project supporting the Office of Family Assistance and their 110 HMRF nationwide grantees that provide structured programming and wraparound services to individuals, couples, and families to support participants in attaining self-sufficiency and improving outcomes for children. Manhattan Strategy Group manages a virtual grantee portal, communications, project development, virtual and in-person group events, and individualized technical assistance.

OJJDP’s National Training and Technical Assistance Center (NTTAC) Management and Subject Matter Expert Services

The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) provides national leadership to address issues of juvenile justice and child victimization through research, grants, and training and technical assistance (TTA). OJJDP created the National Training and Technical Assistance Center (NTTAC) in 1995 to coordinate resources and providers, increase TTA responsiveness to constituent needs, and promote the use of best practices and standards in TTA assessment, planning, delivery, and evaluation. 

Business Integrity Matters on SNAP Retailer Authorizations

MSG is conducting this study to help the Food and Nutrition Service develop a better understanding of the variation in State laws and procedures related to business integrity issues across the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Guam, and the United States Virgin Islands as well as implications for authorization of retailer applicants and food retail access for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)-participating households.

Technical & Logistical Support Services

Build and provide technical and logistical support to ensure strong collaboration across committee members and staff, to foster buy-in from diverse stakeholders, and to employ multiple communication strategies to assist the Governing Board to meet its goals. This work will be accomplished by supporting consultants to provide specific expertise, content knowledge, and logistics assistance for assessment framework reviews and updates, while effectively communicating the data and findings of the analyses to the public.